The Committee’s Work

Mission and Vision

The RCP Advisory Committee is a voluntary group of subject matter experts who serve to advance five key purposes:

  1. Program Development
  2. Content Contribution in Specialized Fields
  3. Staff Training/Mentoring
  4. Research Collaboration
  5. Fundraising

The committee consists of Global Volunteers program participants who have in-depth knowledge in areas such as healthcare, education, nutrition, information technology, research, or child development. Global Volunteers executives also participate as members of the committee.

Guiding Principles

  • We operate in an advisory capacity specifically for the Global Volunteers Reaching Children’s Potential initiative
  • In keeping with Global Volunteers philosophy, we work under the guidance of local partners in the countries served by RCP, who determine our priorities and deliverables
  • We report to the Global Volunteers Board of Directors
  • Our efforts enable delivery of Global Volunteers’ 12 Essential Services
  • The work we do actively supports many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • The committee conducts virtual meetings quarterly, and the committee’s work is done collectively in focused subcommittees that include:
    • Healthcare
    • Research
    • Curriculum and Education
    • Entrepreneurship and Development
Healthcare Subcommittee
  • Oversee opening of clinic
  • Draft and review clinic operational protocols (e.g., budgeting, inventory, operations)
  • Review supply and equipment requests and clinic budget proposals
  • Draft guidelines for the roles of healthcare volunteers (licensed and students)
  • Secure ongoing sources of supplies and funding
  • Monitor the analysis of Reportable Events within the clinic and provide appropriate feedback and recommendations
  • Facilitate communication with and mentor clinic staff (primarily non-medical staff) regarding clinic operations
  • Assist research subcommittee on projects involving clinic data as needed
  • Members: Barbara Morris (chair), Bill Goldman, Teresa Omeddo, Melinda Staveley, John Taylor, Phil Zeitler
  • Staff Liaisons: Anna Mwenda, Drew Philbrook, Mindy Lull
Research Subcommittee
  • Identify research and data collection needs related to the RCP Program
  • Develop research contracts and set expectations of external groups wishing to do research
  • Review and make recommendations regarding external research proposals
  • Maintain integrity and balance of research projects (including considerations of the impact on the community; conflicts of interest, and ethical research conduct)
  • Solicit research updates from external research projects on a regular basis
  • Assist in reporting research results back to the community participants
  • Consult with Healthcare Subcommittee on projects involving clinic data as needed
  • Members: Phil Zeitler (Chair), Carol Conzelman, Ruth Curran, John Taylor
Curriculum and Education Subcommittee
  • Oversee and organize new RCP Caregiver and ongoing RCP Caregiver training
  • Help prepare and review educational materials for RCP families
    • Review and/or draft workshop materials
    • Help develop flip charts for home visits
  • Advise volunteer involvement in local schools
    • Work with Volunteer Prep subgroup to develop guidance documents for school volunteers
    • Advise on matters related to classroom teaching and language camps
  • Organize and involve other RCP Committee members based on expertise needed for caregiver training and workshop/flipchart preparation
  • Assist Global Volunteers staff by providing specific expertise for program or curriculum development in areas such as food, nutrition and technologies
  • Members: Henry Wambuii (Co-Chair), Ruth Curran (Co-Chair), Lynn Aytch, Carol Conzelman, Amanda Hasley, Pam Griffin, Alyssa Kornowa, Robi Kronberg, Barbara Morris, Teresa Omeda, Deborah Pollard, Melinda Staveley, John Taylor, Phil Zeitler
  • Staff Liaisons: Drew Philbrook, Mindy Lull
Entrepreneurship & Development Subcommittee
  • Examine the feasibility of future entrepreneurial projects (e.g., a women’s co-op)
  • As needed, assist in the development and advise future entrepreneurial projects
  • Members: Deborah Pollard (Chair), Alyssa Kornowa, Pam Griffin, Henry Wambuii
  • Staff Liaison: Drew Philbrook